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How To Stay Motivated During Your Recovery Treatment and Program?

Recovery Treatment: If you are in the process of recovering from addiction, you’re in the right place. This guide will show you steps on how to stay motivated through it all. It’s true that addiction recovery can be a stressful time.

If you or someone you know is in need of addiction treatment and recovery, Epiphany Wellness can help. You can find out more information through their website by visiting Now, let’s take a look now at how you can motivate yourself to complete your treatment program from the beginning to end.

Set goals that you can achieve

The first thing you can do when in treatment is setting goals. These are goals that are easy to achieve. One of the things you’ll want to do is take the larger goals and break them down into smaller ones.

You’ll want to make sure your goals are easy to measure in terms of progress. Set checkpoints to mark how far you’ve come along (and how much left you have to do). Don’t go overboard in terms of the goals you want to set.

Choose a few that you want to set and achieve within the short-term (less than six months) and the long-term (six months or more).

Keep a journal

It would be ideal to keep track of your progress. You can keep a journal and discuss everything that has been going on so far. This includes your high points, low points, and even the crazy turns.

Talk about how you’re feeling that day. Talk about what you could have done differently. Document whatever you feel like should be included in your journal.

This is something that you can keep to yourself. As you flip through the past pages, you’ll give yourself enough inspiration to continue. You’ll be motivated by how far you have gotten.

There may be times when you feel like things may seem tough. Or giving up may be easy. But remind yourself that you have gotten a lot accomplished up to this point.

Be honest with yourself with every journal entry. It will hold you accountable and put you on the right path towards real recovery.

Create a daily gratitude list

Everyday, you can write down a gratitude list. Using a separate notebook, you can list anywhere from three to five things you are grateful for throughout the day. You can be grateful for family, your support system, your therapist for helping you get through a rough day, and so on.

You may be having a good day or a not so good one. Either way, make it a daily thing to put one together. You will be content knowing that you are grateful for the things that will keep you going.

You will be grateful and inspired to continue on with your journey no matter what. It’s no secret that gratitude will give your mind a more positive boost. When you are recovering, you will always be grateful for the things that life has to offer.

Attend regular 12-step meetings

Aside from your regular treatment sessions, regular meetings with a 12-step group will also help. Listening to the stories from your fellow addicts and family members will inspire you to continue on with your own treatment. You’ll notice that everyone’s story with addiction and recovery is unique and different.

You’ll also get a chance to meet these people and build your support network. They will root for you in your journey to beat addiction. Attend these meetings for as long as possible, even after your treatment has long been completed.

Do service work

Service work can be as simple as providing rides to those going to and from their treatment sessions. It can also be arriving to 12-step meetings early and setting things up. You can do your part to contribute and feel good about doing something meaningful.

While this isn’t paid work, it gives you the opportunity to appreciate the value of volunteering and hard work. Service work can also include being a guest speaker at these meetings or even a group therapy session at the facility you were treated at.

Be sure to maintain healthy habits

During your recovery process and afterwards, healthy habits are important. You’ll want to make sure you are exercising on a regular basis. You also want to maintain good eating and sleeping habits.

Healthy habits can put you in a better mood. Plus, you will feel good knowing you are making the right decisions for yourself. It’s a lot better than having to choose drugs to relieve stress or escape some kind of pain.

Perform self-care often

Self-care is one of the best things you can do during recovery (and beyond). You can take anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes each day. This can include breathing and mindfulness exercises.

This can even be reading, journaling, or even praying (if you are a believer in religion). Whatever makes you happy and feel great about yourself, go for it. You’ll find yourself in a better mood for the rest of the day.

You’ll also find that it’s the exact opposite of finding comfort in a substance you use to indulge in on a regular basis. You will feel at ease knowing that addiction no longer has the strong grip it once had on you. You’ll be happy that you have other alternatives to rely on to beat stress and be at peace.

Final Thoughts

Staying motivated during your recovery treatment is possible. These seven tips listed above are the best examples. It’s possible that you can get this done and make the process much easier.

Recovery can be stressful. But you can find it within you to make the most of it while you can. Take good care of yourself while taking care of others, if need be.

You’ll look back and you’ll feel better knowing you’ve done a lot during your recovery. And you may inspire others to do the same.